


The Little Collins Baths project explores the generation of complex topological form in the creation of spatial organisations of high porosity. This operation was undertaken within the framework of an existing building shell. Existing space is perceived as a field charged with potential, which is eroded through the displacement of particles within a self-organising system. A threshold of density generated by this erosion is extracted as a surface through the tomographical technique of isosurfacing. The resultant porous form creates a spatial organisation based on connections, both circulatory and visual. The implication of the project lies in the capacity of the design process to act directly upon form, rather than a translation of a generative diagram into architecture.

Behavior Catalogue

01b_MagneticFields: Variations on this behavior have become prevalent as a stand alone generative devce in computational graphic and architectural design through the works of people like Robert Hodgins and Alisa Andrasek. Kinch typically uses this behavior as an underlying substrate to order complex spatial organizations. Below are three examples of field lines and three examples of the inverse equipotential lines.


A study in the combination of topological simulation geared towards mimetic cellular behaviors with genetic growth logic. Processing and Sunflow.

Procedural Components

Procedural Components

Procedural components differ from parametric components in that they lack an a priori topology. Instead each component is generated individually by a set of rules. The advantages of this method of working are in its ability to handle more loosely ordered input data and to produce components with topological variation. Most of the systems Kinch develops using these logics involve an ordering/search algorithm and an instantiation algorithm. This allows us the ability to integrate performative constraints into the development of the geometry. The disadvantage to this type of geometry in comparison to parametric component systems is that there can be a less linear or expected result in final geometry in relation to initial inputs.

After Scandinavia Trip

대지로부터의 힘을 반영하고 변용할 수 있는 기회
지붕까지 이르는 힘의 다듬어짐들이 수평적인 리듬을 만들어준다.

껍질을 더하는 태도
가장 얇은 피막부터 시작해서 덧대어 가는 것.
오프닝과 클로징 사이의 그라데이션은 무한정!
수직, 수평, 평행, 교차.....모든 가능한 요소들을 3차원에서 사용할 것.

기본적인 재질감의 적용.
하나의 덩어리를 둘로 나눌수도, 
두 개의 덩어리를 하나로 합칠수도....

기준이 되는 피막안에서더 단단하고, 더 부드러운 껍질을 입히는 것!
매싱과의 관계는 묘연하다.
주어진 볼륨을 다시 재단하는 것- 청각을 자극
주어진 피막에 털과 손톱과 굽은 살을 만들어주는 것-촉각을 자극 
천창을 이용한다면-시각을 다시 한번 조절 가능.

붙이고, 깎아내는 기본적인 매싱이 시작이다..
심플한 볼륨감은 내부에서 요동칠 수 있고, 숨은 보석을 품을 수 있다.
요동치는 볼륨은 내부에서 힘들을 수거, 분리해야한다.
어찌보면 효율적인 공간의 이용에 대한 부담이
공간들을 표피 바깥으로 밀어 냈는지도 모르겠다.
최대의 경계라인을 점유하고, 안으로 파고드는 것이
도시적인 컨텍스트와 개별 건물의 아이덴티티를 보장해줄 수 있을지도...
평면적으로 단순한 직선은 삼차원적인 해결책이 가능하고,
때론 점잖은 각도의 흐트러짐이 웅장한 깊이를 만들어내기도 한다.
점잖은 각!

계속되는 조작 혹은 조정의 과정.
때문에 얇은 피막에서부터의 시작이 정말로 중요하다.
두께의 문제일 뿐만 아니라, 설계자의 인식적인  차원에서의 문제이기도 하다.
한 방에 끝나는 설계의 한계!!!


The Lean Economy: A Vision of Civility for a World in Trouble

Rethinking land-use: The market economy's pattern of "capture and concentration" with large centres linked by routine transport is inappropriate for the stabilised Lean Economy of the future, which will require a more sophisticated, complex organisation.


Lecture of emBT

Benedetta Tagliabue was born in Milan and graduated from the University of Venice in 1989. In 1991 she joined Enric Miralles' studio where she eventually became a partner. Her work with Miralles, whom she married, includes a number of high profile buildings and projects in Barcelona: Parque Diagonal Mar (1997-2002), Head Office Gas Natural (1999-2006) and the Market and quarter Santa Caterina (1996-2005), as well as projects across Europe, including the School of Music in Hamburg (1997-2000) and the City Hall in Utrecht (1996-2000).
In 1998, the partnership won the competition to design the new Scottish Parliament building and despite Miralles' premature death in 2000, Tagliabue took leadership of the team as joint project director and the Parliament was successfully completed in 2004, winning several awards.
More recently, she won the competition for the new design of Hafencity Harbor in Hamburg, Germany, for a subway train station in Naples and for the Arcelor pavilion in Luxembourg among others.
Today under the direction of Benedetta Tagliabue the Miralles-Tagliabue-EMBT studio works with architectural projects, open spaces, urbanism, rehabilitation and exhibitions, trying to conserve the spirit of the Spanish and Italian artisan architectural studio tradition which aim is not specialization.
Their architectural philosophy is dedicating special attention to context.
She received the Honorary Doctor of Arts degree from Napier University (2004), The RIBA Stirling Prize 2005, the Centenary Medal from Edinburgh Architectural Association and the 2005 Spanish National Architecture Prize 'Manuel de la Dehesa', for the Scottish Parliament building.
This lecture has been selected as the 2012 John Dinkeloo Memorial Lecture. This memorial lecture was established to recognize John Dinkeloo's extraordinary contributions to architecture, to honor his distinguished professional work and to pay tribute to this highly respected alumnus of the Architecture Program at the University of Michigan.


Genotype & Phenotype

In architecture there is no substance that is concurrently both
"editable source code"(genotype
and "usable artifact"(phenotype).

Wind Map

Revealing the Traces of Wind Flowing over the U.S. in Real-Time