

A Bit of History_ WEB 2.0

Without huge fanfare, the term Web 2.0 made its debut shortly after the dotcom crash of 2001. People were searching for an answer to the question of where the Web would go after its overheated rise in the late ’90sand subsequent return to earth. While some people wrote off the Internet as having much less impact than was predicted, the first signs of a new era were appearing. Instead of people just connecting with companies offering products, they began to connect with each other.
Communities of interest began to form where people from around the world with specific areas of commonality could find each other and share information, ideas, opinions, and files. Then savvy, young entrepreneurs began to build tools that let us share content and opinions in various formats—for free. Whereas Web 1.0 is all about e-commerce, Web 2.0 is about connection. So much so, that the term Web 2.0 gave way to a more specific moniker: social technologies.

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