

Urban Ecological Amplification Concept

Life is intelligence and virtually the same.  Nature provides everything. 

Just as cities serve as centers of intelligence amplification they can serve as centers of ecological amplification as engines of ecological repair.  Rather than net drains on the environment cities can be reinvented to have minimal environmental footprints and ultimately provide net-positive ecological amplification and dense ecosystems to restore the environment along with the requisite reinvention of the very nature of civilization itself.  In the process of solving the extremely critical and difficult problem of accelerating ecological devastation the solution sets should be quite beautiful, elegant, and far-reaching.

So far, nothing proposed or otherwise seems to come close to doing this.

Human mobility may be considered the first solution set within this framework where global transportation can be rapidly reinvented to incur less than one percent of its current environmental drain with the viral implementation of net-zero mobility and transit. 

Net-Zero NYC2020


Wiki: Biological dispersal

Friday Fabulous Flower – At the Stage of Seed Dispersal

This isn’t precisely a flower, but then again it is a flower at the stage of seed dispersal, but a very pretty and unusual image the result of having gelatinous seed coats. This also isn’t exactly a common plant especially when viewed this way. So who recognizes this very nifty image?

Closing the seed dispersal loop_Benjamin C.Wang and Thomas B. Smith

Box 1. The seed dispersal cycle

It is important to distinguish between the process of seed dispersal, whereby seeds are moved from parent plants, and the seed dispersal cycle, which is a succession of processes (including the process of seed dispersal) whereby seeds produced by an adult plant are moved from the parent plant, germinate to seedlings, and recruit to adult plants,
influencing the fruit and seed availability of the next generation (Fig. I). Although seed dispersal is only one of the many processes in this cycle, we have chosen to call it the seed dispersal cycle to emphasize its role as a ‘demographic bridge’ linking the end of the reproductive cycle of adult plants with the establishment of their offspring [a]. Not all seeds are dispersed, and most dispersed seeds do not complete the seed dispersal cycle. However, the parents that produce seeds that successfully complete the cycle pass a disproportionate amount of their genes to the next generation and thus have a disproportionate influence on the vegetation composition of the succeeding generations.
Reference a Herrera, C.M. et al. (1994) Recruitment of a mast-fruiting, bird-dispersed
tree: bridging frugivore activity and seedling establishment. Ecol. Monogr. 64, 315–344

Fig. I. The two main approaches used to investigate animal-mediated seed dispersal
and its consequences: (1) Working forwards entails trying to follow the seed dispersal
process in the direction that it happens in nature (in the direction of the arrows). These
studies tend to focus on patterns and processes on the right side of Fig. I (given in red),
and many of them are classified as ‘seed dispersal studies’. A major hurdle has been
the difficulty of following the dispersers from parent plants to where they deposit
seeds to track the fates of those seeds. (2)Working backwards examines the
consequences of the seed dispersal process – seed, seedling, sapling, and adult plant
distribution – and tries to deduce the influence of seed dispersal in determining those
patterns. These studies focus on patterns and processes on the left side of Fig. I (given
in green), and many of them are studies of plant demography. Processes (given in
bold) generate the patterns (given in boxes) that can be measured.

Seed dispersal

Seed Dispersal


GE Data Visualization

GE Data Visualization

Energy Solutions / Health  / Others



[Headline Topic]
In the 20th century we were a people of pure production.
Now we see a direct linear rela­tionship between our consumption needs and grow effects production.

“Era of Mass production à Era of Mass Consumption”

[Consequent problem 1] _ Human resource

Our life is tightly chained to nearby workplace. Except for the case of business trips or vacation tours, it is impossible to imagine a free move from local map. A daily delight has fallen into a trifle value to be able to exchange for special events at a special day. Such situations could entice us into being immersed in ‘consolatory’ fantasy. Market-driven capitals, mega-corporations and mass media, continually providing illusions, are willing to shape our life and even our way of thinking.
We should remember the fact that human resources’ worth is came out from diversity and creativity.

“Manufactured Lifestyle à Passive Thinking”

[Consequent problem 2] _ Natural resource
It is obvious that a majority of raw materials is abandoned for extracting a small amount of main substances. In addition, massive consumption has turned out a vest number of wastes. Such disposable wastes are threatening our cities as well as nature.

“Raw Materialà Disposable Waste”

[Consequent problem 3] _ Spatial resource
The city has been slowly eroding by two different development systems.
Those at the very top have been infatuated with the construction of productive infrastructures while citizens have swiftly occupied lands left for settlement. Each of urban actors had clung to its own old principles with no feedback.
Now there is not enough space in our cities to avoid a collision. Shabby factories, power plants and elevated roads are brazenly in the center of residence area. Top-down and Bottom-up are not incompatible strategies any more.

“Top-down à Bottom-up”

Ironically, the efficiency of producing goods at which we aim has been involving the inefficiency of consuming resources.
“Whenever we ask wrong questions, you will get wrong answers.”
 Now, it is a time to shift the focus of our questions from the efficiency to the sustainability.